to the PlayPenOffice
the Virtual Office Community


I have been caught up in various things atm, so PlayPenOffice is currently still on hold - I will update when I can.

In the meanime, why not go to here to see pictures of PRC.

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News for 02/01/28 to 02/03/01
What's been happening, and what the monster in the roof did next.

Quote of the week is from Andy - 
"Well, where did it come from?"

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Read the disclaimer and have a look at the the start for how I became a SysAdmin.
Check out history for previous weeks or about me for why PlayPenOffice exists.

Copyright © 2000 playpenoffice.com
Mail me at: shipdept@playpenoffice.com
   revised: 2002-04-28
  URL:  http://www.playpenoffice.com/home.html